Your Links
Here you can get your Affiliate links. We recommend you use the link to our Standart Video Sales Letter page, unless you’re buying traffic and need a landing page which has other requirements. Our default landing pages are below, but if you have a specific requirement… let us know.
Getting Started Is Easy!
Need a ClickBank? (Takes Less Than 30 Second)
Create a ClickBank AccountCreate Affiliate Link
Your Affiliate Links
Default Video Sales Page (Recommended):
More Linking Options
NEW: Test Your Luck Quiz Page: (use our test your luck email swipe with this)
NEW: Manifestation Quiz Page: (use our test your luck email swipe with this)
Video Sales Page With No Exit Pop:
Video Sales Page With No Delay On "Add To Cart" Button:
Text Sales Page:
Free Gift Audio Track:
Checkout Form:
We have linking options to suit your needs and methods -
contact our Affiliate Support.
Email Swipes
We have some of the highest converting email swipes in the industry. Just swap in your ClickBank 'hoplink' into the emails and mail your list, with one of these great converting emails.
NOTE: You MUST provide an unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email as well as an address. Please follow all applicable laws when emailing. Remember, spamming is strictly prohibited and illegal.
When promoting using Facebook ads, it is necessary to have some sort of "buffer" between the ads themselves and the VSL page in order to get your campaigns approved. We are now providing our high-converting quiz lander for VIP affiliates to use.
Click here to start by downloading the quiz files you will need to run directly on your server.
Choose between the two quizzes. One allows you to add an email capture field, while the other, is just your standard bridge page with no email capture.

Once you have decided on which quiz you'd like to use (with email capture, or without), you will need to customize the quiz with your ClickBank affiliate link.
After the user answers a short 5 question quiz related to how lucky they are, they'll be redirected to a page that talks about manifestation a bit more, and directs them to click a link that will take them to our website.
note: If you do not know how to set up this quiz on your own web server, you will need to hire someone to do it for you, as we cannot assist you with that.
This quiz is more of an advertorial that leads into a quiz. We've seen some very strong conversion rates with this one.
To get started, just click here to download the files.

After the user reads the short advertorial style article, they are lead into a short quiz.
All you need to do is customize the quiz.html file on line 231 to add your correct affiliate link. We recommend using one of the quiz result affiliate links below, in order to remain Facebook compliant, and to be more compliant on other networks as well.
note: If you do not know how to set up this quiz on your own web server, you will need to hire someone to do it for you, as we cannot assist you with that.
Even with the quiz landing page as a buffer, if you send traffic to the regular VSL after the quiz then it can result in campaigns being disapproved. You will get a much higher success rate using one of the following hoplinks instead.
Ad images are crucial for high click-through rates on your Facebook Ads. We have created a Google Drive folder below where we will add our best Facebook ad images for VIP affiliates to use.
Click here to access our folder full of high click-through rate Facebook ad images to promote Manifestation Gods.

The text you use in your ad copy on Facebook is probably the most important aspect behind a winning ad campaign, and a losing one. Feel free to use your own ad copy, or use the ad copy we have written for you below along with our quiz Facebook lander!
Albert Einstein.. Nikola Tesla.. Nostradamus..⭐
What did they know about the nature of reality?
Some say they took the secrets to their grave,
while others say they left cryptic messages in
their writings about it. 🤔
It was recently revealed that they understood
that some people had the ability to manifest
things into reality... using nothing but the
power of their will and their mind. 😲
To see if you could potentially be one of those
people, take this short quiz below 👇
You have the ability to manifest whatever
your heart desires into existence...
Wealth...🤑 Love...😍 Health...🤒
Often times however, our brain 🧠 becomes
disconnected with the universe and simply
needs to be retuned.
Take this short quiz below to test if
your brain is able to manifest your
desires into reality, or if it simply
needs to be retuned! 👇
Optical illusions show you exactly
how your brain's interpretation
of reality is not always accurate. 🧠 ⚡
As your brain struggles to interpret this
illusion, and make it conform to what should
be interpreted as "correct", it should make
you realize, that reality, is whatever your
brain interprets as reality. 🤔
What most people don't realize however, is
our brains are able to do more than simply
"interpret" reality as they see fit...
They are able to modify reality, by directly
tapping into the universe itself. ⭐
Quantum physics has been increasingly
demonstrating this monumental phenomenon
over the last decade with ground breaking
If you want to be able to tap into this
ability and change your reality
around you using nothing more than the
power of your thought, then take this
short quiz below to see how close you
are to being able to manifest the
reality of your choosing. 👇👇👇
PPC Keyword List
Here is a list of some of the best, top related keywords for Manifestation Gods.
Click Here to Download Them.